Monoprice Mini Delta E3d Clone mount

Monoprice Mini Delta E3d Clone mount


1/17/2020 1730 version 3 will be posted in a few minutes. each gets own post as they are ground up new designs. 8/19/2019 1030 Added another Deep Base but with room for 3mm Hex nuts. 6/29/19 <del>1540 added a deep base version for extra strength, haven't printed but only took two minutes to modify and export.</del> 9/9/2019 1900. I have since printed and did use it until I did the hex nut version approx 60-70 print hours. I got an e3d clone hotend and adapted it for the MPMD. I made a bunch of them and a bunch of different versions. I said that if I was going to do it again I would start from the ground up, and that is what I did. This time I was a little smarter. I made each of the main pieces separately and then put them all together and then printed. I made a crucial error on placing the e3d and had to re-adjust and re-print. The one in the photo is printing the one I just uploaded, the only difference is when attaching the lock fan to the base it cracked at the screw holes so I beefed them up some. The one printing in the photo was 5% infill .8mm walls x2 .2mm height and I forgot supports. The one it is printing is 25% infill 1mm walls x4 .1mm height with supports. both with rafts as that my preference. The one in the photo looks horrible old filament that spent almost 7 months in a storage unit. The MPMD uses square nuts this is designed to use those but rest on top instead of slotted in, which also means home depot metric hex nuts Same MPMD screws. My first go around I made one that got approx 80 printing hours, this one is based off that design. Version 2 with rear fan. The mpmd has more room in the front. I was going to to rear fan with a front fan option but while testing it crushed the fan while doing G29 p5. Another note, the 5% draft version was curshed while I was attempting to change out nozzles. The 25% one took two minutes to install as screws and bolts were still in. 7/10/2019 1230 Broke my original one this morning since the heater core went bad so Added some strength at the top and the base and printed it. I will add some more strength to it in a few areas and print as needed. I did have a spare e3d hotend that someone else designed and I attempted to use that but the fan being right on the heatshink was freaking the machine out and I couldn't PID auto tune, then turning the fan off just melted it and it was very akward as there was no place for the wires for the heater or thermester to go. 7/25/2019 2030. Added a modified version of the fan lock, been trying to print a new one and it keeps failing at the same point, my nozzle is to close to the bed and I am printing to hot for it. After messing wgn.ith the bed and the temps and a headache I decided to strengthen the design. New one is call fanandshroud2. FAS2 supersedes all others as it is the same design with a thicker area at one point. Now I have 2 external fans and it is printing the original (it is also 90F right now) and thingiverse is having another one of its off days to stl maybe tomorrow. 0645 7/282019 added fan and shroud 3, added some ascetics and strength.



