CNC Rail Cover Plates
I was tired of having my rails covered in material while working. So I designed these little mounts to hold onto the material I purchased and allow the rails to covered while not impacting the movement in any way. I purchased outdoor upholstery fabric in black. I cut a strip about 8 inches wide and the length, + a couple inches, of the bed. Spray glued and folded the fabric in half. I used 4 on each side. 2 8mm bolts and drop in hammer nuts for each mount. The end mounts were pulled tight and then bolted. I have not had to clean my rails since and the material moves well without interference. The gantry pushes it up as it moves and helps to keep the gantry plates from getting dirty as well. I even have a G-Code file I run to pass the vacuum over the table and the railing to clean up after itself. Just one more thing that was not on the CNC by default, but now they have something that is basically the same as what I did. So if you bought yours earlier or want to add this to your cnc, it was well worth the $15 in fabric and $5 in bolts and drop in nuts. I have much more material left because I need the length, not the width.