Graphics Tablet Wall Mount Holder
Description Wall mounted holder for a graphics tablet and pen case. I specifically designed this for an XP Pen Deco 03 but should fit any graphics tablet 12mm or less in thickness. The pen holder part is 35mm in diameter but has a clamp to keep smaller cases in position. Assembly The 2 clamps used to hold the tablet and pen case in place should be attached using M3 nuts and bolts. The tolerances are a little bit tight when actually printing so the clamps will probably need reducing in width and the holes will probably need drilling out with a 3mm drill bit. The cavities for the nuts will probably be quite tight as well. I recommend screwing a nut onto the end of the bolt a little then holding it with pliers and heating the nut with a lighter of blowtorch, then placing the nut in the cavity as the plastic will then stick to the metal and provide a nice tight fit. Just don't be an idiot about it and burn yourself. Fitting I left the back wall of the model blank so you can decide how you're going to mount it and drill the appropriate hole. Just do whatever you do when you normally mount a shelf or whatever. In the UK most houses are brick walled or breeze blocked inside so I used a hammer drill and some wall plugs but you could nail it on or do whatever you yanks do with dry walls.