Half Scale Robie Junior
Update: the castor stl file was the wrong scale It was 10X the right size. I reuploaded it on Sep ,12,2019. Sorry for any inconvenience. This is my design of a half scale Robie Junior. The Robie Junior was a robot toy sold by Radio Shack in the 80s. The original had remote controlled and autonomous modes. Mine is only remote controlled. This is not an exact copy. I designed it around an 80 MM clear Christmas tree ornament available on Ebay, but I got mine at Hobby Lobby. I designed it so I wouldn't have to cut on the clear globe. It doesn't have the front bumper switch or the switches in the arms. It also doesn't talk like the original. The two N20 gerarmotors are controlled by an Arduino Pro Mini driving an L9110S H bridge module. The gearmotors could be 60 or 100 RPM. It has a TSOP4838 IR receiver in the dome to receive signals from a universal remote sending Sony 12 bit VCR codes. It can also be controlled by the Attiny85 based remote I built for another project. The electronics in this design are very similar this previous design of mine: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3102186 An Attiny based IR remote that works with this robot: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3566978 Just like the Silent Running bot, the power is from a 2600 MAH power bank. For this design you have to desolder the USB connector from the charging board. That's definately the hardest part of the build. Since there is no fuse in the circuit, be careful of the wiring to avoid shorts. The circuit connections are shown at the end of the video. These parts have to be printed with supports. btm_upper.stl main_body.stl new_dome.stl My video: https://youtu.be/4uI4PRgIKW4 Parts I used: 10 MM leds for the eyes. 2600 MAH power bank. 3MM screws. 6MM magnets. L9110S dual H bridge. https://www.banggood.com/2Pcs-L9110S-H-Bridge-Stepper-Motor-Dual-DC-Driver-Controller-Module-p-944585.html slide switch: https://www.banggood.com/10Pcs-Black-Mini-Size-SPDT-Slide-Switches-On-Off-100V-2A-DIY-Material-p-1011746.html Arduino Pro Mini: https://www.banggood.com/3Pcs-ATMEGA328-328p-5V-16MHz-Arduino-Compatible-Nano-Size-Module-Board-p-1006451.html TSOP4838 IR receiver: https://www.banggood.com/5Pcs-IR-Receiver-Infrared-Radiation-Module-38KHz-TSOP4838-DIP-3-p-945168.html