Micorbit Hand Controller

Micorbit Hand Controller


This is a hand controller for the microbit. (yet another) The Micorbit has excellent radio facilities which makes it great for remote controlling things. Unlike my last micorbit controller - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2982246 - this one uses a joystick and not the accelerometers (although you could used the accelerometers for something else). I have position two momentary switches for whatever your heart desires. The coding and implementation is up to you. Be great to see what you use this for. Components inside. 1 - joystick module (like - KY-023 PS2 Game Joystick ) HEADERS REMOVED 2 - standard push momentary switches (like these https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11996) 1 - sparkfun Microbit Breakout board - HEADERS REMOVED. 2 - m3 10mm hex head 3 - m2 10mm hex head some wire hot glue The images show the layout and where I have soldered things together. However you want to wire this is up to you. If there are questions let me know. ______________________________________________________________________ This project is associated with my PhD research and as such is required to abide to an ethical standard. Information sheet provided. (Research Ethics Number - 2016/858) Please leave comments in the section below. I would love to know if you have built this project, and if you have, please send an image or two. Let me know if I have missed anything, and I will edit accordingly. If this project has inspired you to build something else, please let me know, I would love to hear from you.






