Excalibur Puzzle Fixed

Excalibur Puzzle Fixed


I wanted a difficult puzzle and came across this one first, I know there is another design however I went with this one. The original was a work in progress however I have fixed the parts and might as well upload it for all of you guys. You need to print: (using the original files as well) Box_ends X 2 Pillars X 4 Bright_red_Sword_Stand X 1 Grip X1 Guard X1 Sword_blade X1 Guard X1 Grip X1 Bright_Red_Sword_stand X1 thing1_Light_Blue_And_Yellow X 2 thing2_Pink X 1 thing3_Green X1 thing4_Dark_Blue X1 thing5_Cyan X1 thing6_Dirty_Yellow X1 thing7_Dark_RedX1 I have included in the solutions from the creators, it did not help me much. So I added in these solutions to put the box together after printing it so it can be attempted, These were not made by me but by Cantalicio (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2871173/comments) and I take no credit for them or the design of the puzzle in that fact. Warning: edges can be sharp and tolerance are slightly tight. On the pieces I remade, I added in more tolerance however post processing may need to be added to ensure everything fits. I have made this and have it together and am trying to solve it and failing. But it is an awesome looking puzzle, hard and very cleverly made. So GOOD LUCK!






