Dry Box - Filament Re-winder for Prusa MMU2
7 September Update Added new version of Base, PTFE Clamp, and Gasket (Optional for those that can print in Flexible filament and want a tighter seal. 4 Sept 2020 Update Added Version 2 parts for those who would like to print the parts separately and not as an assembly: - Axel V2 - Base - Left Arm - Right Arm - Spreaders (2 required) - PTFE Clamp The purpose of this design is to create a moisture free storage container for spools of filaments that are loaded and available for selection by *Prusa's MMU2* accessory. This design incorporates and modifies two existing files: - Parametric Auto-Rewind Spool Holder by VincentGroenhuis and - Filament Spool Stand for Rubbermaid Container by MysteryDough The containers sit on the top of an enclosure, such as the one referenced below, and feed filament into a PTFE tube that connects to one of the *MMU2* input ports. The filament container or **_Dry Box_** contains packets of desiccant that absorb any humidity that does infiltrate the container. Except for a very short piece of filament that is within the *MMU2* feeder, no part of the filament is exposed to the surrounding atmosphere. Also incorporated in this design is the **_Auto Rewind_** mechanism that applies rotational pressure in opposite direction to unspooling motion. This re-spools the extra filament that is returned to the container upon *Prusa i3 MMU2* filament **Unload** or **Eject**. Included in the file section is an OpenSCAD file that can be used to generate rewinders of different sizes. As a matter of convenience a **_Hub_** and several **_Adapters_** are included in the file section that will support most spool sizes. Typical Enclosure: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2396990