Drawer Dividers on Small 3D Printers

Drawer Dividers on Small 3D Printers


The print bed on my Monoprice Mini Delta is too small to print the full-drawer-length divider variations in the original project (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:779866). The half-size ones (repeated here) print and work just fine, so I created three more half-dividers that hook onto the original ones to create the full-size dividers. If your print bed is too short to print the full length dividers, just print the two short ones that give you the combination you need. By combining these six objects, you can make almost any divider you need to fit the small drawers in the Akro-Mils cabinets. divider_ext1 is a simple 2-way divider divider_ext2 adds a half partition, dividing half a drawer into 3 compartments divider_ext3 adds a full partition, dividing half a drawer into 4 compartments I've included the .SCAD file in case you need to make further changes. Update: I've added "simple" divider for those of us who have run out of the original dividers that came with the cabinets. This one must be printed laying down due to the lack of supports. MAJOR Update: I've added the additional parts needed to make dividers for the LARGE Akro-Mills drawers. The additional files are: divider_lg_base_1x2 - Plain "base" panel. Combine it with an "extender" panel to make a complete lengthwise divider. divider_lg_ext1 - Plain "extender" panel. Combine with a base panel to make a complete lengthwise divider. divider_lg_base_ext - Base panel with attachment points to make a 4- or 8-compartment divider. Uses divider_lg_ext1 to make the width-wise dividers. divider_lg_extx - Extender with attachment points to make an 8-compartment divider when used with lg_base_ext. divider_lg_base_1x2 must be printed with a brim as there's nothing else to keep it vertical. All the others will print without support The extenders are intentionally a tight fit. You may have to tap gently with a small tool to get them to slide all the way on.






