YAMMS (Yet Another Miniature Mounting System)

YAMMS (Yet Another Miniature Mounting System)


YAMMS (Yet Another Miniature Mounting System) is something I whipped up as a fun project in Fusion 360. Yes,there are plenty of other systems out there, and many are superior to mine. I like the feel of these in my hand and the large mount prints for about $1.50 and all the other pieces are a lot less. The idea here is that the holders have a 6mmx3mm magnet mounted in them which grabs the corresponding magnet in the caps. This allows me to mount the miniatures to the caps with putty once and then switch them out to other handle sizes or paint multiple minis using one handle. I've made both 45mm and 60mm caps to accommodate most mini sizes. The handles are fairly well balanced if printed at 25% infill. They have a compartment in the bottom to allow me to fill them with sand, ball-bearings or anything else to give them more weight. The base cap snaps tightly into place but I'd probably glue them in place to prevent them spilling if dropped. The magnets were very inexpensive (100 for $8.00 on Amazon) but you could also use putty to hold the caps in place if you put a small amount in both magnet cavities. These suit my needs just fine. If you make these and like them, I'd love to hear your comments. I probably won't be re-designing these unless I hear of a truly game-changing idea. If you hate this, that's okay too. No need to fill the comments here about it, go out side and shake your fist at a cloud.






