Defiant 28 Caddx Turtle Nose Mount
Defiant 28 Caddx Turtle Mount. Other parts/ equipment: Hot glue M3x8mm screws (4x) Install Steps: 1) Download and print 1 of each part. 2) Line up the template part on the center of the leading edge. Cut out foam behind and to the sides of the template piece. This should leave a perfect hole for the Caddx base part to fit into. 3) Dry fit the Base part and make a hole for the wiring harness to pass through. Feed the wiring harness through from the inside of the battery bay. Recommend using the harness with the pigtail that allows you to adjust the camera settings in the field. I usually just cut a slot in the battery bay and hide the pigtail until you need it. 4) Plug the wiring harness into the camera board. Also if not done already, plug the camera into the board as well. 5) Mount the camera board to the base part. I use just two screw to hold the board into place. Note that the sd card slot should be oriented towards the top of the board. 6) Mount the Caddx camera into the top piece. Make sure the cutout is on the top right when looking at the part from the front, refer to picture above. 7) Once the camera and board are mounted to the printed parts, line them up according to the picture above. You may need to spin the camera a full 360 in order to get the camera cable to twist. This will make tucking in the cable much easier when fitting the two parts together. 8) Line up the top and bottom printed parts and look through the screw holes to make sure no wires are in the way, this is probably the hardest part. Insert the M3x8mm (x4) screws into place and securely mount the two printed parts together. 9) Use hot glue to secure the base to the cutout section. I recommend hot glue since it gives you plenty of working time to get the parts to fit perfectly as well as lets you fill in any imperfections. You can also use a little rubbing alcohol to easily get hot glue to release, making it very easy to remove parts if needing to be replaced.