BMG - M4 / M5 / M6 / M10 - Printable BMG converter piece

BMG - M4 / M5 / M6 / M10 - Printable BMG converter piece


I wanted to be able to put my own (better) bowden coupler on my BMG (clone) and designed this little spacer. This allows you to change the bowden coupler to whatever M6-4mm you prefer. It is tight inside to allow flex material possibilities. Suits all BMG including the clones, and is for a M6 coupler as stated. I personally use the all metal one found locally here in Sweden, but as there are cheap ones out there, this also allows you to exchange them when the are bad. Edit: Added M4 and M10 versions too. Feel free to ask for more sizes depending on your needs. Edit2: Added M5 version. (The file only named BMG_bowdencoupler.stl is the first M6 version) Happy printing, and please share your makes!



