P802 Z Axis Top Bearing Brace

P802 Z Axis Top Bearing Brace


After printing the one for the LEFT side (designed by Truefawkes), I realized, I can no longer use the same bolts, but need the longer one (by 3-5mm). So I thinned out the places where screws/bolts go in order to use same bolts. I have further modified my remixed STLs to accommodate M3 nut (courtesy - Ebola57 thing: 2682685). Last two pictures are of the original one, which I had to drill in order to use original bolts; while other pictures of the one I remixed. Thus, not a big difference from the one designed by Truefawkes, Thanks to Truefawkes for sharing his original design. And it works great. The bottom part is here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3753104



