Moineau Soap Dispenser with fixes
This is a remix of just the body from Emmett and Jezzmund's design. Jezzmund thickened the walls to help with porosity issues some people were having, but it left some artifacts that I tried to clean up. These were mostly apparent near the outside funnel opening, along with some slicing artifacts on the outside wall of the screw. I also thickened the walls a bit more along with adding some more polygons to the mesh to make it print less blocky. The base was also thickened slightly and the first 2.5ish mm of where the inner screw wall comes up from the base was thickened (outward) to give it a little more surface area to attach to to help with printing. You'll still need Emmett's screw and handle. I'd recommend a few dabs of super glue gel to keep them from separating whenever somebody turns the handle in reverse. I'd also recommend printing Emmett's screw with a fairly large raft as it has a small footprint and is somewhat tall.