ePIc EvenFlow (Raspberry Pi 4 case)
My first crack at the raspberry Pi 4. This is a very highly detailed model that are mainly just cosmetic. You may want to up your resolution layer to take full advantage. Common complaint is the Raspberry pi 4 gets hot. This case has the most airflow out of any of my cases so far so it should help. There should be enough room for a heatsink if it is shorter than .312" tall including adhesive. 4 screws to install 40mm fan 1 or 2 screws to line up pi inside insert Body and insert are press fit. I am including the step file for the cover so if anyone wants to add slots for the ribbon cables or gpio pins they can. Im excited to see makes of this one due to the detail put into it so please share :) 7.22.19 - added a plain body version. Also added and extended cover that allows .250 more space for heatsinks.