GPS Tray for Losmandy G11 Tripod Leg

GPS Tray for Losmandy G11 Tripod Leg


I wanted a way to mount my GPS receiver on the tripod (it is weird that Losmandy does not provide a way to affix it to the mount) because it keeps falling on the ground. I took the leg clamp from the cradle by DTBob listed as a source, and used the ball and socket by mistertech to connect a box created (by me!) at the right size to hold the receiver. The slot in the tray is to capture the wire for the GPS. The original version ball and socket joint would not flex enough to hold the tray flat when pointed straight out from the tripod, so this version has both the ball arm and the socket arm connected at a slight vertical angle - this was intentional, not sloppy work. Now I can have it flat, and still swing it out of the way under the mount by rotating around the leg if I want.



