Ravage G1 inspired

Ravage G1 inspired


Hello and welcome again, my 4th Thing, and 3rd bot! I know, its only been a couple of days since my last one, but I was working on this guy at the same time lol. So yeah, here's my take on the little Deception Ravage. Now, the keen observer will notice that there's no pin files for the legs. Don't worry, its not an oversight, I just couldn't get my printer to make them small enough, when I realised....you dont need to. the holes for the pins are 1.75mm...same thickness as the filament i was using :) so, stab the holes with your filament of choice, trim to size and voila lol. Due to shrinkage, etc when printing, you may find that you need to widen the holes a little, and in doing so, you might make the fit a little loose. If that happens, then you could always use a bit on concentrated heat ( Kids ask your parents for this lol) and fuse the pin to ONE of the two moving parts. Size wise, he should be about the same as the original toy, and does partner quite nicely with Rumble. As always, modelled in Fusion 360, and printed out on my trusty Ender-3






