Arduino Nano + 2x Hall sensors

Arduino Nano + 2x Hall sensors


This is a mount for an Arduino nano v3 and 2@ ACS7XXX hall sensor boards, similar to these: I printed at 0.3mm res with ABS, but other filaments should work fine. The max overhang is 45*, which all printers should be able to do without supports. All 3 slots are designed so you slide the boards in from the 'top'. The nano slot has 'claws' on the 4 corners that will snap around the pin headers to hold it in place. The hall sensor slots are tapered with end stops on the 'bottom' side. The 2 screw holes are sized for 4mm wood screws or similar (drywall screws in my case). Note that it is possible to fit up to 4 hall sensors on this mount if needed. If you do this, you may want to use a razor to first shave the small end stops off from the hall sensor slots. With 4 hall sensors installed, the wire screw housings will hang over the edge of the mount, but the friction fit will hold them in place in most applications (except maybe automotive or other extreme vibration environments). As you can see in the photos, the hall sensor slots can be used for DIY pcb's as well. In my case I am using a nano to add analog inputs to a RPi (for hassio serial sensors). The hall sensor measures 12VAC doorbell current, and the 2 voltage dividers (on the DIY pcb) measure backup battery voltage and the state of mains power. Of course the divider doesn't connect to mains voltage directly; it just measures the output of a 14VDC brick that serves as the primary supply for my pi.



