Raspberry 3 official case camera mount and fan top

Raspberry 3 official case camera mount and fan top


This is a kit to mount the Makerhawk 5MP camera (without the IR LEDs mounted) on an Official Raspberry Pi case, the case top has an 16mm ball joint connector, slot for Pi camera cable, and mounting for a 30mm fan. See plan photo for part numbers. The camera arm is articulated, and can be extended and made more flexible by adding more double balls (part 5) and connecting rods (part 2). The Makerhawk camera is a cheap alternative to the Pi official camera it can operate in both IR(nightvision) and normal mode and has a good lens and proper focus system:- https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07HNRFVB7/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 All socket balls are 16mm diameter if you wish to mod this design. As per usual I have included Cura files set up for slicing for the Ender 3, please check the temperature before printing using these files, as I use 190C for the red filament.






