3D Printer XL P3steel V19 Full linear rail 320x320x400
Designed by 3DCampy and with a year of development I have the pleasure of presenting my P3steel MGN project in XL Version Printer Size: X320 Y320 Z400 I spend hundred of hours in desing and test the printer The logical evolution of the P3steel, I have taken care of the all details so that everything fits perfectly and the esthetic is as clean as possible This is my wiki with all change log: https://wiki.3despana.com/index.php?title=P3Steel_MGN_V19_XL The new P3steel V19 XL is designed for the most demanding users, the movement of all axes is by linear rails mgn, which provides structural rigidity and extraordinary precision. After the development and many hours of testing, the P3steel MGN V19 is a platform that has been tested and proven, and we are improving day by day with small improvements. For little money you will have at your disposal a professional, robust and durable desktop printer. Compatibilities Compatible with Titan aero extruder Compatible with BMG Bondtech extruder Compatible with MKS Gen L electronic -Marlin 1.1.8- Compatible with SKR 1.3 electronic -Marlin 2.0- Compatible with Duet 3D electronic Compatible with MKS Mini 12864 LCD Compatible with Mini12864 RGB LCD UPDATE FILES HERE: Github of project and source files: https://github.com/campy/P3Steel-MGN-V19-XL Video: (Sorry but it´s in spanish :D) https://youtu.be/aQsiAUDQCL4 Where to buy: https://www.3despana.com/12-estructuras#/95-estructura-solo_estructura