If your source micro is anything like my guy is then your aware of the the ole 10 pounds of shit in a five pound bucket saying. I wanted something clean and that held up that new TBS Pro antenna with the mmmxxxxxcxxx connector. I'm flying xt60 because I have yet to give a bums poop about getting xt30 batteries. The two holes up and down are for straws so you can put your tbs crossfire antenna in there. and hot glue them in there with a little shrink wrap on the ends. Don't use paper straws ya hippies they don't do well in the rain and they catch on fire. I thought about putting an immortal t on the thing and well it's kinda silly when people are getting range with the antennas from the kit. and the immortal t weight. That would be cool to have a micro immortal T. IBCrazy get on it. I have to think about that on a 2.5 inch that might do long range. there is a little storage back there and it is easy to wire no holes and everything should stick out the old top. I have more pics that I'll put up later but prop clearance is no issue. I have other things you kids can't see yet in the works. It's actually prop guards and the ones in the last picture that look like the eiffel tower art them but thoes are cools toos. Tell no one what you do and they assume the worst. Make the zoom zoom buzz buzz do flips flips. 4s or die. if you don't know leadandsteel@gmail.com now you know.