FYSETC Cheetah CR10 ender3 ender2 FIRMWARE

FYSETC Cheetah CR10 ender3 ender2 FIRMWARE


UPDATE: the temperature of the y motor is a known problem , still no fix from the fysetc. the firmware is for tmc2209, dicovered that are producing boards with2208 UPDATE2: DUE TO THE BAD SUPPORT OF THE PRODUCER I DONT SUGGEST THIS BOARD waithing for the skr for a good firmware working right now on the new FYSETC Cheetah board pretty nice board, same form factor of creality ones. for the features of the board u can check on the their page and the github page: https://wiki.fysetc.com/Cheetah_Board/ *I'm not linked to fystec and not responsable for any damage to the board or other parts involved. but I liked the board and the all in one tmc drivers so I've decided to make something about it.* UPDATES: - cr10 with double motor ( actually testing myself) ymotor heat issues - ender3 (testing witha friend) motors heat issues still searching how to calibrate them - ender2 still not tested, just firmware compiled , need another board (update: no screen working need time) *firmware modification from the original file:* - 1sr important: enabled store eeeprom store settings , sure is better to change any value most of all tmc current - 2nd added what shoudl be the right settings for the pin bed and hotend, also enabled the autotune , disabled from the otiginal firmware - 3rd set all what I think should be the right cvurrent settings on tmc drivers, I'll give the values inserted () I have to say I still have a bit of problems with my Y motor heating too much and I have read that is a current bug on tmc so probalby is needed to reduce the current, I suggest to monitor them, or I case I find the right fix I'll update the firmwares - 4th set all the dimensions of the print volume for printers: ender 3 cr10 and ender2 - 5th added tmc debug and monitor , in order to controlthe printer from terminal. MISSING: a firmware for cr10s and others with the filament sensor if u can give me info I can anable it and let's test. DISABLED: rbg led light, not planning to see if it works or not DEFAULT MOTOR SETTINGS: stealthchop enabled , makes it really silent, you can disable it also from the printer lcd menu. INSTALLATION: can be found here: https://wiki.fysetc.com/Cheetah_Board/ you alkready ahve the hex file so, jump to the flashing part: - step1 : connect the board (better if only the board, there ius no 5v jumper so in my opinion this is a big flaw, in case u have all connected, flash with the main psu on, in my case 12v cr10) - step2 : open FlyMcu.exe - step3 : set: the right com port set:bps:460800 set also Reset@DTR low(<-3v),ISP @RTS High - step4 : press start ISP and few minutes and u are good to go. *WARNING:* current settings, the real value have to be multiplied by 1.424 because we are talking of rms current so any value in the firmware will be lower, exaclty divided by 1.414. values for motors. 0.725A motors (used on enders x y z ) current value 500 1A motors (enders E motor, cr10 x y z E motors) 700 or 650 dual motor in parallel 1+1A (cr10 dual motors Z axis) 1300 or 1400 in case of overheating plan to reduce them by 50 and so on, you can also try to disable stealthchop and enable spreadcycle will be more noisy but should reduce heating at the moment on the same 3 motors X Y E i have problems only on the Y one , if anybody has any solution I'm all ears the same tmc developers says is a metter of tests for now, and what I know is that uf u use 1.5-1.7A motors would work better on the tmc 2209 (i'll test also that) if u find my work useful you can buy me a coffee or two : https://www.paypal.me/raffoslab I drink much of it







3D Printers