ESP-WROOM-32 chip clip

ESP-WROOM-32 chip clip


Was inspired by the idea of using PCI connector pins for a programming clip, so I sliced the original open in meshmixer, took some measurements, and remixed it as a prototyping clip for the ESP-WROOM-32 module (AKA the ESP32). There's two versions, one designed for mounting PTH to a PCB for breadboarding, which has holes for nylon M3 screws to hold it firmly in place (footprint and breadboard adapter PCB to come later) and one with open sides for surface mounting to the standard footprint, so you can test in situ without sacrificing a chip. It has grooves in the bottom so you can glue it onto the board for extra strain relief. At some point I will make a version more like the original, that you can stick a decapitated ESP32 into to use as a programmer. [EDIT 7/18/19] Realized that the finger hole was way to small, made it open on the side to hopefully make it easier to remove.[/EDIT]






