Stock Ultrabase Cleaner
The ultrabase is an awesome surface to print on, but its technology also causes some problems. It works by using a material with micropores that open up when the plate is heated, and which closes shut when the plate is cooled, detaching the print. Over time, micropores grab onto dust, and don't let go of it during normal plate cleaning. In fact, they tend to grab on to fibres from the cloth or paper towel used in the process. For casual personal-use prints, that isn't really a problem. For prints you're selling, or prints that you want to look good at every angle, it is - the dust on the build plate binds to plastic printed over it, and then sticks to that plastic, permanently. In this case, the problem is also the solution. This STL prints a two layer thick (at 0.2mm layer height) sheet that covers the entire print area. The sheet binds to the dust more strongly than the micropores, so when you remove it, it removes the dust from the print area. As for why it's two layers thick, Cura won't make gcode for something that isn't at least two layers thick. You can remove the second layer in a text editor, or just manually stop the print once it's 50% done. **To generate gcode for this file in Cura, set build plate adhesion to "none".** The reason why is because built plate adhesion reduces the surface area you can print on, meaning that the model will seem unprintable. Reducing the model's XY dimensions (make sure uniform scaling is off, z *needs* to be 0.4 or higher) and not turning off build plate adhesion can also work, but reduces the area that will be cleaned. I have included a gcode file that only prints one layer - **RUN IT AT YOUR OWN RISK**. My printer runs the custom firmware, and there are some commands in the gcode that are for features exclusive to that firmware. I have **no idea** what they'll make happen (if anything) on the stock firmware. Once again, ***running the gcode on a stock setup may risk damaging your machine.*** I am *not* liable for any negative results that come from ignoring this warning.