Transformer Dice and dice holder

Transformer Dice and dice holder


Lets face reality.... the Transformers TCG is extremely bad. the graphics are great, the card design is great, the game play is the worst. I dont see this game lasting another series so I redesigned the game from the ground up. Summary: Objective is to deplete your opponents spark points totaling 35 points. Attack your opponent with your robots or actions to widle him down. The game is called Transformers Battlefield and it plays out like a war. Deploy robots, weapons, barracades, and energon generators to attack your opponents strongehold. Each round you gain an additioanal energon that you spend to deploy your army. You are the leader and you can assign your spark points to voyager transformers. The enphasis is on fun and this redesign hits it out of the park. Read the rest of the rules with illustrations on my website. If you are handy with image editing, then you may consider seting up a mock up set of cards. Just replce the exsisting text with new text. Energon Dice which counts up to 10. Matrix 20 sider holder. Hold spark points in style. Place 20 sider snugly in th e







Toys & Games