433MHz remote switch conversion case

433MHz remote switch conversion case


This thing is a (very basic) case for the innards of a remote wall socket switch (433MHz). There is a holder for the remote https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3777067 Update: Latest installation using the Brennenstuhl RCS 1000N kit. The receiver can be controlled wirelessly by Rasberry Pi. https://himpler.com/blog/433mhz-steckdosen-mit-dem-raspberry-pi-steuern https://www.princetronics.com/how-to-read-433-mhz-codes-w-raspberry-pi-433-mhz-receiver/ First kit I have tried was sold as Unitec kit ITA10464 and as Brennenstuhl 4001 as well. I have it mounted into a ceiling mounted now defunct lamp. A cable runs to the This guide/ thing may or may not meet the safety regulations in your country. Take care when working with voltages from the grid. The task, as requested by my wife, convert a simple ceiling fan with no remote into a remotely switched (on/off only) device. This requires opening the case of the wall socket. It can be done easily. Cut off the wires from the plug pins or desolder the pcb from the wires. I prefere replacing the steel made wires. Have them replaced with those made from pure copper. Smoothen the edges a little. Remove the two spikes where they have broken the pcb off. The outline should be almost rectangular (47x47mm), makes a tight fit then. Put on a screw terminal block ( recommended) or put the long outgoing wires to the places the stockwires went to. But then there would be no strain relief toward the pcb. The screw terminal block size: width 45mm, depth 16mm, hight 13mm. Suitable for ca. 0.75 - 1.0 mm2 wires. The cave made for the block leaves some room. Differently sized terminal block may fit as well. Cut them to the size you need. 3 wires fed trough only (without neutral /ground). I have used double sided duct tape to fix the screw terminal block. Tesa double sided duct tape used for mirrors , No 55732, thickness ca. 1mm Using the duct tape is not strictly required, but it does no harm. Seat the pcb (with the new wires) in the case. Adjust the wires fed through the terminals holes, screw them on tightly. The shell cover parts can be screwed together using M3 screws. For this purpose I have put M3 nuts in, simply heated them up and pushed them into the plastic. Simply feeding the 3mm screws trough, let them cut the thread, would hold the parts together, but you know... But other screws can be used though, i.e. special screws for plastic. The pass through holes are made for 3mm smooth shaft. The core bore diameter is 2.4mm where the thread cuts in. The END.






