Creepy Goblin Head

Creepy Goblin Head


Behold! My fist ever attempt at sculpting in Zbrush. He's ugly....he's happy...he's creepy AF. :) Pretty useless on its own... my boyfriend is into making dice towers for D&D at present, so I suggested he slice this guy in half and mount it on a dice tower for some gobbo flare. :D If you want to print this on its own, you will need to slice the bottom so that it sits flat on your print bed. Supports will be needed due to all of his funky, curvy, overhanging facial features. I don't think I have a photo of mine with the supports, but I can take a screen cap in PrusaSlic3r if anyone needs to see it. I used minimal infill. It would look badass in silk gold PLA. You could use it for tabletop gaming as sort of 'goblin shrine' in gold filament. (Just an idea!) Or just remix it into something useful, hahaha. IDK! I hope to improve at ZBrush and create some other fun models to share with the Thingiverse community. PS: ZBrush only seems to export as .OBJ format. I have converted the OBJ to STL in Fusion360. The picture of the finished print was printed using the OBJ, not the STL. I have not tested the STL yet. I don't know if any polygons went missing during the conversion. If you print the OBJ you will need to scale him up a bit because, weirdly, OBJ files import as teeensy tiny little things in most Slicer programs!!






