Talisman inlay box, more storage, better overview
I didn't like the original inlay box. So I created this (My first Thing so please be patient) The markers are fully seperated now. So the 5x marker have a seperated place. The coins and destiny marker are not mixed up. The coins have own tray. Also the dices have a own special place. A lot of more space for cards which can be dinamically ordered. I painted some of the speerators to which cards belong to which addon (Here purple to the harbinger and ocher for the highlands). The inlay is less high (45mm instead of >48mm) to give new corners more space on top. CardBox_right has a little recess to access the character and additional end cards. The tray of the character cards have to be fixed later on to give new cards more space. Please tell me if someone needs this fix asap.