Card Holder - Kayak!

Card Holder - Kayak!


Hey Everyone! For my wedding, I designed and 3D Printed placecard settings that represented the different things me and my wife like to do. I designed and printed all of these (14 unique designs) Here's one! The Cheap Ship HAN Han Solo. I'm captain of the Millennium Falcon. Chewie here tells me you're looking for passage to a sweet crabbing spot. BEN Yes, indeed. If it's a fast ship, but mostly inexpensive. HAN Fast ship? You've never heard of the Millennium Falcon? BEN Should I have? HAN It's the ship that made the Kessel run in less than twelve ----! BEN Let me stop you right there. I am not looking for anything pricey. Something really cheap. Just two passengers, one crab pot, and no questions asked. HAN What is it? Are you just frugal? BEN Let's just say we'd like to avoid any solid material entanglements. HAN Well, that's the trick, isn't it? Crabbing with an inflatable is no way to do it, but it won't cost much. Thirty bucks? LUKE Thirty bucks? This sounds really reckless Isn't there a better option? HAN Listen, kid this guys crazy but don't screw this deal! LUKE This is bad. We don't have to sit here and listen... BEN We haven't that much with us. But we could pay you nothing now, plus two crabs once we reach the spot. HAN Two crabs, huh! No. LUKE Ben, this is silly. Those crabs are going to rip.... BEN Wait Luke! Don't give into fear. That leads to the Dark side of the force. Reach out and be at peace... [Ben steals 20 bucks from Luke as Luke reaches out] Look, two crabs and twenty bucks.... Han ponders this for a few moments. HAN Okay. You guys got yourself a ship. We'll leave as soon as you're ready. Docking bay Ninety-four. Print it right side up and let the adventure take you where you need to be!






