Custom base with skill markers for Blood Bowl

Custom base with skill markers for Blood Bowl


Custom bases with skill markers for Blood Bowl. Use any color you like for the skill markers to indicate different skills. The base by itself is now 30mm, thickness of the markers is 1.5. So with full markers, base will be 33 mm. That might be a bit big. I'll probably add smaller (and bigger) versions in the future. Update 26-04-2020: Added numers 4 - 16 for the big bases. Update 20-10-2019: Applied the same fit modification to the 38mm markers (now v1.1). Should result in a slightly easier fit.Have yet to do the same mod to the 38mm numbers. Update 13-10-2019: The quest for the perfect fit continues. Made the anchors on the back of the markers a teeny bit lower (0.2mm). Now you still need to apply some force, but the markers will click in place flush with the edge of the base. Still not perfect, but the best so far. Updated both the Marker 30mm and the Numbers 30mm to this v1.5. Update 05-10-2019: Added a "Skill legend card". Simply insert a piece colored filament on one side and a piece of paper (7 x 50 mm) on the other side with the text saying which skill the color indicates. Card has room for 6 skills. Update 04-09-2019: Reverted the update of the 30mm markers. With some colors the were too loose and fell of the bases, So back to the original fit. Update 01-09-2019: Updated the 30 mm markers. Gave them 0.1 mm more space so they attach just a tad easier. Will update the rest soon as well. Update 17-08-2019: Added number markers 1 - 3 for the 38mm bases. Update #2 16-08-2019: Added 38 mm cut-out slotted bases and markers. Have yet to do numbered markers, will do only 1 to 3, because, Big Guys... UPDATE 16-08-2019: the thickness of the cut-out slot is changed from 0.5 mm to 0.4 mm. So cutting it out becomes somewhat easier. Removed the non-slotted base, because, hey, what's the point when you got the slotted base. Renamed all files to *_30mm because I'll be making a 38 mm version pretty soon. UPDATE: added skill markers with numbers 1 - 18. UPDATE: added a base with cut-out slot.



