Pegboard holder for Bontrager Torqkey fixed torque wrench
Many higher end Trek bikes come with the Bontrager Torqkey (Trek part number 414046) - a fixed torque wrench set to 5Nm with a glued-in 4mm hex bit. This is a nice little tool which has many uses on bikes, so it's handy to keep it near. This thing is a simple pegboard mount for the Torqkey. You'll see the one I have in the photo doesn't have the glued-in 4mm hex bit. If you have one and want to use other bits, use a heat gun to warm the end holding the 4mm hex bit and you should be able to pull out the bit. Clean out the glue however you can, and you've now got a 5Nm preset torque wrench which will take any 1/4" drive hex bit. The only problem is they won't stay in on their own. To fix this, I used a 6mm drill bit and ran it into the end, clearing out a little bit of built up glue and such, then stuffed in 6x3mm rare earth magnets until they wound up at the right height to hold a bit. I thought I might have to glue them in, but the fit is such that they don't pull out.