L-33 "Guardian" Pattern Basilisk

L-33 "Guardian" Pattern Basilisk


This is a remix of m_bergman's Soltam L-33 Ro-em artillery tank included in "1-100 Modern Tanks and Vehicles" and Mkhand_Industries' "Epic Scale Armageddon Pattern Basilisk SPG". This is intended to be used as a proxy for a Basilisk and is currently scaled for Epic 40k. If you would like to scale it appropriately for use in 28mm Warhammer 40k (which is what I will be doing) I recommend up-scaling the model by 513.75%. Currently the model comes with an open hatch to place a gunner or spotter in. I hope you all enjoy the model and please share any pictures if you print it! Basilisk Lore: The Basilisk is the main line artillery piece of Imperial Guard Regiments throughout the Imperium, designed to provide medium to long-range fire support. Among the most numerous and well-known of the Guard's artillery the Basilisk is based on the Chimera chassis and mounts an Earthshaker Cannon for direct and indirect fire.







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