Remix of the Ultrasonic Sensor for a blind cane

Remix of the Ultrasonic Sensor for a blind cane


Remix of Ultrasonic sensor cane for blind by vincetheprince; This is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial license. # Summary This is a housing for a range finder buzzer/vibration device that may be helpful for the blind. It will fit a HC-SR04, Arduino nano, passive speaker and haptic motor. It is intended to attach to a cane. The code for this is available in the download. Make sure to have the NewPing and NewTone library installed on your Arduino IDE. We noticed that the way the original was designed had the HC-SR04 aimed wrong for a friends cane. So it was modified to use the HC-SR04 Casing + Angle Adjustable Cradle by SavageRodent. Also used the Remix HC-SR04 Casing Cradle by Crystallica. This is a bit stronger. And the Remix Ring for HC-SR04 Casing.stl by TeeVau2 With my printer I needed to stand the casing cradle on end and use supports to have strong arms on the part. When printed in default position the cradle arms were weaker and easily snapped. Yours may not have that issue. The casing cradle and 2 rings were printed at 100% and the rest was printed at 25%. Supports were needed for the sensor mount body and Front_00.stl with my printer. Front_00.stl was printed without supports and the internal area that the HC-SR04 sits in needed cleaned up. Adding supports would have prevented that. A small rechargeable power bank powers it. The USB cable to connect it is from an old mouse and is soldered to the VIN and GND connections on the NANO. Depending on how much power your haptic motor uses you may not need the small circuit. The absolute maximum the Pins can handle is 40 MA. The current needs to stay safely below that limit. You should keep the diode and capacitor to protect the Nano if you opt to not use the transistor. The speaker can be either an active or passive speaker. When tested both produced similar tones when fed a PMW signal from the Arduino. Which is a good thing since some of the passive speakers sold on eBay are actually active like the ones I purchased. If you use one similar to the one I used you will need to unsolder the 3 pins and solder leads in to fit it in the case. The original Arduino ino file written by vincetheprince can also be used for this. I opted to rewrite it to also use audible beeps if wanted along with a few other features. The audible tones can be switched off.






