Filament Guide/Cleaner w/ Cable Clip and PTFE Coupler

Filament Guide/Cleaner w/ Cable Clip and PTFE Coupler


I came across the 3-in-1 Filament Guide by nathansc and thought that it was a nice design, however I didn't like the idea of having to undo the threaded rod support at the top in order to install it. Also, I didn't like the small hole to push the filament through behind the upright. Then I came across the Filament Guide w/ Locking PTFE Coupler by FedorSosnin and thought, "Hey, I really like that idea both for ease of install and making it easier for changing filaments!" Then I thought, "What if I combined the 2?" So, that's exactly what I did. I imported both files into MeshMixer and tweaked them into this and I must say, I think that it turned out quite well. All credit goes to the original authors for their work and creativity, I just brought them together into something that hopefully others will find as useful as I have.



