Updated Extruder Mount for German RepRap NEO
Bowden on NEO is quite long - so i tried to get it shorter without jumping to direct drive setup. I moved the extruder to the upper left side and shortened the bowden tube. - no new cable needed (original cable is long enough) - just 2 M4x10 countersunk needed (common in german stores) - cut some small U in the left plastic cover to get the cable out enjoy the shorter bowden and better accessibility. - extra holes for additional guides or filament filter - Mount printed of extrudr greentec pro carbon (0.4 layer with 0.6 hardened nozzle, NEO) - TPU gasket / silencer printed from extrudr TPU medium (MK3) addintional parts mounted: NEMA 14 silencer pads (remixed) 1.5mm TPU (Damper_14_1_5mm.stl) on Z and .. X? 19/10/2019: Updated Mount to v2 (minor things, chamfers etc.) -> v1 obsolete v1 showed vibrations from Nema going into Case - v2 with foam mat? trying...