Customizable Yeti Rambler Car Adaptor
The Yeti 14oz Rambler keeps things hot or cold for hours. The only problem... it's not even close to fitting a standard car cup holder. Note: There are much simpler options out there. But this is more fun. The adapter currently has 3 options which may or may not fit your vehicle. For each option you can use a Thumb Bolt or a Basic Bolt. The Basic Bolt will require an additional Slip Nut but allows additional adjustment. A regular washer/nut is also included but I'm struggling to get my printer to do perfect round prints and the Split Nut works just fine anyways. Two Arm lengths are included: 30mm and 50mm. Recommend trying the listed required parts and adjusting as needed. - Arms are 5x5xlength with 3.5mm holes. - Bolts are 15mm, M15x1.5, 6g, right hand tread. During slicing you should be able to rotate and position all parts to avoid supports. Once in place, Joint Pegs move easily and do not fall out but are a pain to get in place by hand. Suggest the gentle use of a pair of pliers. OPTION A: works best in my '16 Volkswagen Golf due to the cup holders slick, slightly sloping sides (say that 3 times fast). The base pulls tight against the bottom of the spring loaded braces that are part of the vehicles cup holder. The base and the Cup Adapter are pulled together via a screw to prevent movement and create a tight fit. Depending on your vehicle, this is probably the simplest and easiest option. - Parts Required: Cup Adapter (1), Option A Base (1), 85mm Thumb Bolt (1), Split Nut (1) OPTION B: works best in my '07 Jeep Wrangler but not in my Golf. The Wrangler cup holder has straight sides with a rubberized plastic insert and no spring loaded braces. This keeps the Adapter Arms tight against the sides of the cup holder and helps pull the Cup Adapter down and into place. - Parts Required: Cup Adapter (1), Option B Base (1), Option B Upper Mount (1), Option B Foot (3), 30mm Arm (6), Joint Peg (12), 85mm Thumb Bolt (1), Split Nut (2) OPTION C: also works in my '07 Jeep Wrangler but not in my Golf. This option works for the same reasons as Option B but is simpler, braces higher in the cup holder and might be easier to adjust. When you first attach the clips to the Cup Adapter, they may be pretty stiff. Keep sliding them back and forth by hand till lose before attempting to move with the screw. - Parts Required: Cup Adapter (1), Option C Lower Mount (1), 30mm Arm (4), Option C Foot (4), Option C Upper Mount (4), 85mm Thump Bolt (1), Joint Peg (8), Split Nut (1) Let me know what you think, if you have questions on setup or if you feel like something could be improved.