Arduino Case: printed in place, in one piece, with no supports

Arduino Case: printed in place, in one piece, with no supports


The cover has two rails that slide through the side holes. The snapfit on the top secures the cover to the case. The model has a 0.5 mm tolerance between Arduino and the case and a 0.4 tolerance between the upper and lower part of the case. I added a two layer thick bridge connecting the two sides of the long holes because as the print grows tall the thin pieces tend to move too much. They could easily be removed with pliers. Cura settings: layer height: 0.15 mm wall thickness: 0.8 mm top/bottom thickness: 0.6 mm infill density: 18% print speed: 50 mm/s temperature: 195° I set the option Within Infill in Combing Mode because the nozzle scratches the walls while traveling. It must be printed vertically, without brim. Printed with Ultimaker 2+.






