The Real Iron Man Helmet
I present to you a combination of 2 heroes from my childhood lol Some of the files aren't showing up in viewer but they are all there in the "files" section. Pretty much everything should print with NO SUPPORT except the helmet part (minimal support on head just in case and skirt to keep it in place). I designed it as printer friendly as possible. You will need some glue to keep parts together but they are designed to compliment each other with structural integrity ;) Print in 6 pieces- 1- Head (MAY NEED SUPPORT) 2- Jaw 3- Right Ear 4- Right Earpiece 5- Left Ear 6- Left Earpiece The entire thing is pretty much 6mm thick in 90% of all places. UPDATE 1: Made the helmet use less filament in some spots and have better angles at the top. UPDATE 2: Added Assembled Helmet if anyone needs. Just print ears separately or make bolts like on original Iron Giant.