dummy - diamond clone hotend - 2in1out
- Dummy of a diamond hotend/nozzle clone. Specifically a 2in-1out type - I have included placeholder geometry for the heatpipes and first fin of the heatsink to facilitate alignment with whatever model you chose to use for that. (and so I don't need to include someone elses model/license in this thing) - Accuracy: - Internally - I'm just guessing based on schematics and intelligent adaptation. - Externally - Should be quite accurate. I've printed tests to encapsulate the model, and the prints fit the actual nozzle almost perfectly. Am currently printing initial tests of a hotend design using this dummy, so I will adjust it if I find issues. - I noticed some variation in the heatsink angle, so to figure out what mine is I made diamondTEST*.blend - To use it just change the text to whatever angle you intend to test....and then select and rotate the heatsink to suit... *group* select the printable objects and export them as stl and print it to test fit. - I included some diamondTEST*.stl files that I used to figure out that mine is essentially 27.3degrees