Resin Vat Drip Stack Remix

Resin Vat Drip Stack Remix


While i like the idea behind maxstier Resin Vat Dripo Stack i wanted to change the Funnel type to a more Reg Cone Shaped funnel instead of his square one he did so i designed one, you can use the 8 mm rod or dowell like is original concept .. that way you can use Cofee Cone filter in them if you cut them just a little as can be seen in the pic,thanks for the bulk work to Maxstier ... New Add! Just An improvement over the Design that was done By Marcel_X i have Cut the Funnel to be a design more open as suggested by Marcel_X but i also have cut the ring so we can pick up the bottle or recipient we are filtering the resin to and to be able to bring it up to remove the filter without any dripping over the ring and be easier to dispose of... thanks for the great Improvement Marcel ...



