Purenity / TecTake XL / VIVO Camping Bed / Cot peg repair part

Purenity / TecTake XL / VIVO Camping Bed / Cot peg repair part


I bought [these camping beds on amazon](https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B01CCTWDO2) recently. It is available under several brand names, e.g. ["VIVO"](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CNQK59W) or ["Purenity" on amazon.com](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071J4Q376). While these beds are claimed to withstand weights of up to 300 pounds, this is not true at all. We knew that in advance from various customer reports on amazon, but we bought four beds for four kids, each weighing 70 pounds or less. Three of the beds were broken after first use and it was always the same part: When you put up the bed, you need to mount a cross brace on both top and foot end. To facilitate this, the bars clip onto pegs protruding from the side bars of the bed. These pegs are made of relatively soft plastic. Even a kid of 25kg sitting on one of these bars causes the pegs to be sheared off instantly by the metal bar. See the pictures above for illustration of the effect. To migitate this and avoid the instant destruction of four otherwise usable beds I created this thing. To make it complete you need an additional 13mm domed nut. Each bed has four of these pegs so you need four nuts and four parts per bed. The metal hat of the nut forms a peg that can not easily be sheared off anymore. A final word of warning: Do not buy one of these beds ANYWAY if you weigh any more than 150 pounds. Their aluminum profiles are only 1,2mm thick. If you accidentally sit on them with your full weight instead of the center fabric, they will give in easily. Since they are riveted, repairs are almost impossible.



