Masterspool 152mm Wide for Dremel

Masterspool 152mm Wide for Dremel


Masterspool 152mm Wide for Dremel ==================== Please note there is a new version of this item which will fit inside your printer. See my [thing:3875917]( Remake of [Daniel Dorau's Masterspool, thing:2803379 ]( reduced to 152mm wide to print on a Dremel 3D45 or other small bed printers. Designed for Masterspool 750 gram filament refills available [here]( or from your local supplier. You can use this Masterspool as an external feed to your printer or wind the filament onto a Demel spool. Unfortunately the Dremel spool will only take 700 grams so with a 750 gram refill you will have some left over. I have published a suitable spool holder for this Masterspool here. [thing:3823334]( Use the 50mm diameter spindle. Also I have created a drill adapter to attach your Dremel empty spool for winding here. [thing:3793381]( My Dremel 3D45 Things ============== * Spool winder for Dremel spools [Thing:3793381]( * 1Kg Filament in Dremel 3D45 Solution #1 [Thing:3818976]( * 1Kg Filament in Dremel 3D45 Solution #2 [Thing:3835745]( * MasterSpool for filament refils [Thing:3875917]( * Build Plate for Dremel 3D45 [Thing:3851463]( * Nozzle Box, 9 - 27 larger nozzles [Thing:3831799]( * Spool Holder [Thing:3823334]( * Filament Guide Wheel for Dremel 3D45 Printer [Thing:3806514]( * 80mm Air Filter for Dremel 3D45 [Thing:3802160]( * 15 Labels for Filament [Thing:3786182]( I design these things for myself, I have published them for you. If they make your life easier or save you money then please do not forget to "Tip Designer"!



