Push Pin for Cars (Designed for 3D Printing)

Push Pin for Cars (Designed for 3D Printing)


SUCCESS! This project is complete and ready to use!!! Takes 20 minutes to print 1 complete pin ;) Here is and updated version 2- https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3864344 Push pin style clip for cars but designed for 3d printing. Thingiverse is glitching again and photos arent showing up but all necessary files are present. UPDATE 1: Tiny update to Complete Pin STL UPDATE 2: Experimenting with an updated design, will print when i get back from trip later this week. Feel free to help out with this project by providing feedback. UPDATE 3: Made some finishing touches and split up the parts into separate files. UPDATE 4: Redesigned Washer and Ribs UPDATE 5: Added Washer Cap to hold Ribs in place evenly. UPDATE 6: Added Assembled Push Pin for 3D viewing. UPDATE 7: TESTED AND READY TO GO!!! :DDD UPDATE 8: Updated the model to be fully 3D printable, no glue required ;) UPDATE 9: Simplified the design a bit likened to the glue style. Fyi i would still recommend glue just because if you move it around in your hands they might shift. Glue just makes it easier to use. Ill be making a video on this push pin soon. UPDATE 10: Added teeth with sharper angle. https://www.we3Doit.com/






