Train Lights Xmas Caboose

Train Lights Xmas Caboose


Part of the Train Lights Project (in progress). This is a build for a standard LGB (Lehman Gros Bahn) Xmas Caboose. Will fit other similar caboose.(cabooses? Caboosi?) This build replaces the standard caboose roof with a compatible roof that as light rails for LED strip lighting. Lighting routes through the roof and connects to other so equipped train cars to make a full train light display. Light Controller build to be released soon. This roof is in 4 main parts, the tower and tower roof, and the front and back main roof. All of which get glued to the train attach frame. I did this: spray paint parts to desired color. glue tower roof to tower. glue back main roof to roof attach frame. (let dry). place tower on frame (you don't have to glue if you don't want to). Glue front main roof to attach frame (this will hold the tower in place). Now run the lights and glue in the light rails.






