Neustruder Direct Drive for Rigidbot - Great with Flexibles!

Neustruder Direct Drive for Rigidbot - Great with Flexibles!


Neustruder for Rigidbot with the single extruder plate. Mirror the base+block for dual-extruder setups. Includes a mount for a e3d V6. Print 1 of every plastic part.Doesn't matter what plastic, but high-temp parts are better in terms of performance if your hotend fan fails. Purchased parts - 7x M3 Nuts 1x M3 30mm screw 3x M3 35mm screw 4x M3 40mm screw 3x m3 10mm screws 1x 8mm OD hobbed gear (e3d hobb-goblin preferred) 1x 608 bearing Optional: M10 pneumatic connector for constraining filament path into the extruder. Screws into the top hole. Basic Assembly - This is designed to be as modular as possible. Start with stripping down the stock plate. Install the 10mm m3 screws from the underside, which will fasten down the part called "base" using 2 m3 nuts in the countersunk holes. There is another hexagonal countersunk hole on the base, sink a m3 nut into this hole, as it will be used later. Next, work to install the neustruder base to the motor with the Hobbed gear, see video: for how the gear, motor, and block mesh together. This Assemble the 608 Retention block using the printed axle through the 608, and then run the M8 screws through the holes, into the block, getting them then seated into the m3 nuts using the countersunk holes. See video: Secure the block on its front face using 1 each of M3 35mm+10mm screws. Next, mount the v6 into the groove mount. It will take a bit of finagling, but once it arrives in the groovemount, it will fit, just barely. You should have the v6 with both its collet, collet lock (little blue thing) and a small length of tubing sticking out of it. This tubing will go into the upper plastic block, and fully constrain the filament. Now comes the last bit of assembly. hand-start the e3d retention clip onto the other half of the groove-mount, and then place the Motor+neustruder assembly on the base, putting it in its place. The PTFE tube should seated in the hole in the block during this time. Now, start a M3 35mm screw on the right of the retention clip, and tighten that into the M3 threaded hole in the stepper motor. This should pull the groove mount in and the motor in as well. Finish installing the motor+neustruder block to the base by installing the top m3 35mm screw into the base. Now assemble the 30mm screw into the other retention clip hole, and you're done! Calibrating tension for extrusion is as described here: The Fan mount and inductive sensor are optional. I use a 8mm Sensing distance for my aluminum+PEI surface, and a 4028 fan for maximum airflow. Let me know if there are any improvements I can make. Thanks!



