E3D M6 Trapped Nut Nozzle Organizer

E3D M6 Trapped Nut Nozzle Organizer


A 7-sided organizer for E3D V6-compatible nozzles. Two versions uploaded: * 7-Nozzle-Holder - with markings identifying sizes noted below * 7-Nozzle-Holder-Blank - with, uh, no markings :) I was looking at the nozzles on MatterHackers (I have aspirations of owning all the sizes in brass and hardened steel). If you look at the hardened steel nozzles, they offer 7 varieties: * 0.25 * 0.30 * 0.35 * 0.40 * 0.50 * 0.60 * 0.80 Since these are more than $20 each, I wanted a secure way to organize them. The holders I looked at here on Thingiverse either were too loose, risking the nozzle falling out, or required threading the nozzle into the plastic itself, which I don't want to do. I decided to test and, sure enough, the nozzles fit an M6 nut! So I modeled up a holder with trapped M6 nuts. *To print you'll need seven of these*. I'm not happy with the difficulty printing on top of the nuts, but the end product works for me, even if it's not as clean as I would like. If anyone can suggest ways to improve this, let me know in the comments.



