Umarex T4E HDR 50 mag Pouch - molle
here is a Pouch for 5 HDR 50 cylinders. that can be mounted on the molle system. to load it slide the top open. place the 5 cylinder in there. and make sure they don't flip over. than you can close the lid. and your ready. this van be handled with 1 hand. use your thump to slide the bottom bar up. and use your other fingers to grab the cylinder out. now do you have place to insert the empty cylinder from your revolver. this one will be added on the top part. and should unlock very easy by just trying to slide it in. I designed this pouch so it would be economic with your molle space for the amount of "mags" you could bring with you. and keep the cylinders and paint out of the elements. Umarex T4E HDR 50 mag Pouch - Belt edition bitchute movie link: UPDATE_________________________ I have added a new top and body. this ones have a hole were you can place a M3 bolt. this to prevent the accidental sliding off the top cap. I also have added a template so you can drill a hole your self in older prints to "upgrade" them. UPDATE 1-2-2020 the top part is a little bit less tight. so this should be a part that is easier to install