New Z906 speaker stand

New Z906 speaker stand


After my previous Z906 speaker mounts from a long time ago, I decided to upgrade them to a sleeker version. This one prints nicer, cleaner, uses less filament, is less bulky in your face big. Only benefits! I used table legs turned upside down to mount them on. This gave me a 22x22 mm square that it fits in perfectly. It supports it at both front and back on the outside. The hole on top where the bolt fits through is designed to support slightly smaller speakers too, and the speaker rest is designed to grab in the little cutout on the bottom of the speaker. Those two work together to hold the speaker, but also be able to angle it slightly. If you tighten up the bolt entirely, it will face a bit upward and the bottom of the speaker will rest on the edge of the support area. When you leave some space in between, space the speaker from the back of the mount, it will rest on the support area completely (which fits nice and tight, it really clicks into place) and the speaker will face more forward / a bit downward. Of course, this also depends on the length of the bolt! Dutch folks: de tafelpoten zijn van de Praxis / Gamma, standaard binnenmaat 22x22mm. Kosten een paar euro per stuk! If anyone has questions or requests, please let me know! If anyone wants to improve my design: I'm looking forward to what you're gonna do with it!






