SPP-042 Skania "Långskepp"
"LåNGSKEPP" Langskepp is the primary APC/MWP vechicle of choice for multiple armies of the European Federation. This ingenious swedish design It's standarized chassis and it's powerful engine have landed it the universal role of many an armies warhorse. it can be retrofitted as a light tank type vechicle with a main cannon as well as other options for multiple purposes, including pacification and anti-air support. it's thick armor and relatively large indoor space also makes it a good vechicle to field as a medical extraction unit. The demilitarized version of Langskepp often serves in law enforcement agencies and is the go-to platform for convoy and support uses. --------------------------------------------- This is a free to download version. A more detailed version with a fully modeled interior and ready to assemble as a traditional model kit will be available as paid product.