Outer Rim Insert v2
I really liked the design of the token holders, but they were a bit too tight for me, I couldn't get a finger in the slots, and it was tough to get the tokens out. This one makes it cake. Started with the setup one and I'll add the play one next. Lids and and card boxes are all linked at the original. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3724312 10/7- Added a game token holder as well. I haven't had a test print yet. Fair warning. 10/11- Updated the game tokens holder to have at least 2 walls for a .4 nozzle. This version prints fine. The hexes are a little tight since the tokens aren't exactly hexes. I need to make bigger finger holes as well. 10/12- V3 on the game tokens. Everything fits well this time. Enlarged finger holes. The peg holes are still fairly tight, but I think since those need to be tight is better to adjust fit with a drill bit or knife since every printer will have different tolerances.