Spool Holder Rack (For 20mm Bar)
![alt text](https://i.ibb.co/BV5hwqg/Banner.jpg "Title") Filament Spool Rack Brackets. Suitable for a 20mm bar (some tolerance, see pictures). These brackets can fit spools of around 200mm diameter. The Brackets were made for use with the £1 [RÄCKA Curtain rod](https://www.ikea.com/gb/en/p/raecka-curtain-rod-white-70221395/), 70-120 cm but any similar bar will work. If you need a fairly large spool rack, you should consider using the included middle bracket as I have. If you need the rack to sit further out from the wall you should use the included extension pieces. Please note that using the extensions will make the brackets weaker. I attached the brackets to the wall using standard 8x2 wood screws. You can use bigger screws if you need it to be stronger. --- Simple Model, can be printed at whichever settings you like. I have printed it at 0.4mm layer height with 5% infill and also 0.2mm layer height and 50% layer height. Both feel really strong. --- If you found this useful, please consider "Buying Me A Coffee" as it would really help me out! <a href="https://www.paypal.me/benadlington"><img src="https://i2.wp.com/tctgaming.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/buy-me-a-coffee.png?fit=240%2C100&ssl=1" width="240" height="100" title="Buy Me A Coffee" alt="Buy Me A Coffee"></a>